We’ve all been taught to expect that healing takes time. Not only does it take time, but depending on your condition it takes a prescribed amount of time. For the most part, it appears this is true. We expect a cold to last for a week or two. Broken bones are in a cast for a set amount of time.
So imagine my surprise when my son Sean broke ‘the rules’ with his own healing.
When Sean was fourteen he had jaw surgery to correct his bite. The doctor stressed to us that it would take six to nine months for full healing. Until then, it was extremely important to be careful and limit activities.
After surgery, Sean was a champ. He was totally compliant with doctor’s orders and mother’s diet. I took full advantage of the control his six week liquid diet gave me while he was housebound. Every drop of food that entered his body was full of the vitamins and minerals needed for healing. I insisted on this even with the IV drips in the hospital. I gave him therapeutic touch treatments for the intense pain and to facilitate healing, which he asked for often at first.
What makes this one of my favorite stories is that at his ten week checkup, the doctor pronounced in shocked awe that Sean was completely healed and had no more restrictions. I can still hear the doctor saying “Look at these X-rays. I don’t believe this. Look at these X-rays. I should be telling you…” Sean had completely healed in less than half the minimum time predicted.
Stories like this may not be the norm, but they are not rare. Spontaneous remissions and instantaneous healing from a variety of
physical and mental ailments abound. Some heal on their own. Some heal with the help of a placebo drug or sham surgery. Others report miracles after a few sessions with a shaman or healer. Still others expect it to take years to recover emotionally from a trauma or panic attacks only to experience relief after one skillful session of energy psychology, NLP, or hypnosis. A change of mind and new perceptions created a change in responding and of chemistry.
Even when healing isn’t a ‘one minute wonder’, it can happen much faster than usual if you put the power of your mind and helpful actions to work for you.
In my son’s case, I did research ahead of time to see what would support him in recovering from surgery in general and in this type
of surgery in particular. We followed the dietary recommendations to the letter. I played with this new energy healing thing I was learning. He was determined to snowboard that winter. Together it all worked.
The point with this, and all the other beliefs, is to be open to possibilities. Believe that it can happen for you. Do all you can to support and nurture your mind and body, generally and specifically. As much as possible, eliminate stress so your body can use it’s energy to heal. Don’t give up. The results you get just may amaze you.
And if it does end up taking the prescribed amount of time to heal? Or even slowly? That’s great too. When you think about it, all healing, even when it’s ‘ordinary’ is a miracle.