Are you concerned about how humans treat each other, our fellow creatures, and the natural world? Do you wonder how we veered away from the truth of who we are and the universal laws that govern how we are designed to live together for the wellbeing of all?
Through the ages, sages, prophets, and spiritual masters have preached a similar message. They explained that happiness, enlightenment and the liberation of the soul is attained through nonviolence, righteous living, compassion for all beings, and a personal connection with the Divine. Creation stories, legends about the gods, and sacred teachings have fostered that sense of connection and provided lessons for living in community with each other, our fellow beings, and the natural world.
In One Creation Under God, you will gain insights into the nature of your interconnections with humans, animals, and the Divine through the lens of ancient traditions, worldwide religions, thought leaders, and modern science. You will have the opportunity to explore common misconceptions about human rights, roles, and responsibilities in the circle of life, deepen your perspectives, and enliven your innate, wise, compassionate nature as a humane being on planet Earth.
The supplemental articles, videos, and companion journal offer you the opportunity to engage with the information in different formats so that you can deepen your understanding of the concepts, refect on the material, and refine your views in ways that make sense to you.
Praise for One Creation Under God
Over thousands of years, sages and prophets spoke out against animal cruelty and living out of harmony with the natural world, the Divine, and each other. This book, One Creation Under God, gives voice to the ancient ones, modern-day researchers, and spiritual teachers who have spoken on Oneness, the sentience and intelligence of our fellow Earthlings, and the scriptural mandates across wisdom traditions to treat all persons in the circle of life, regardless of form, with respect and compassion. Just as their voices carried across the millennia, it is time for us to join our voices with theirs, to speak up for the oppressed and exploited, and to do what we can to promote a healthy, peaceful world where all can flourish. -Debbie Dahmer, Animal Advocates Radio, “Voices Carry for Animals” on BlogTalk Radio
Val Silver has provided a unique look into the world our higher power has created with special attention to the creatures we love. Regardless of your faith tradition, you will find this book enlightening and a doorway into the unique ways that various traditions experience the love of nature in their lives. This is a book that will warm your heart and increase your belief that goodness prevails and comes from a higher being. -Bishop Doug Marlow, Anglican Church of Christ the King
One Creation Under God is a comprehensive and well-researched gem! It will encourage you to live your best life in relationship with others by aligning with Spirit and the true nature of your soul. The ancient traditions, creation stories, and the sacred teachings that are highlighted in the book show you how to live a happy and harmonious life. – Joy Taylor, Author of the #1 best-seller Inspired: 7 Wisdoms of a Soul Inspired Life, founder of professional development programs
Val Silver has blessed us all with a most inspirational and uplifting treasure trove of spiritual wisdom in her new book, One Creation under God. In clear and eloquently fashioned language, Val takes us through the world’s various religions and philosophies and makes it abundantly evident how respect for, and kindness towards, animals constitutes a vital part of any deep and genuine spirituality. If you are not yet a compassionate appreciator of our kindred brothers and sisters from the animal kingdom who share this world with us, you are very likely to become so after reading this spiritually nourishing, stimulating and highly informative book. I recommend One Creation under God with all my heart. -Dr. Tony Page, author of Buddhism and Animals, Lecturer in English and European Literature at Bangkok University, founder of
One Creation Under God boldly tackles the deep disparity between human ideologies and the reality of animal treatment normalized in virtually every culture worldwide. In this book, Val Silver takes on the difficult, yet controversial, and too-rarely discussed topic of the exploitation of our fellow beings in contrast with the benevolence taught in ancient wisdom traditions and religions across the globe. Awakening to this dilemma could save billions of lives and create a better world for all of us. -Nina Jackel, Founder, Lady
One Creation Under God by Val Silver is a beautifully written book that inspires readers to re-think their approach to humans, animals, and the natural world. In her preface, Ms. Silver identifies poignant questions that all should ponder, and hopefully answer in a way that leads them to pursue a more humane approach. She explores two dozen cultures, opening our eyes to better understand what people believe in their cultures, and highlights the facts and fictions described in ancient manuscripts. Readers who enjoy a well-written book, who love history, culture, and spiritual teachings will enjoy getting immersed in One Creation Under God. Along with the author, I hope that people will learn to treasure our animal kingdom and embrace a love of animals. In the final chapter of the book, Ms. Silver identifies many ways we can be more mindful of ‘Do No Harm’ and adopt a compassionate approach to reducing the suffering of animals and improving the state of our environment. –Dahlia Benaroya, Founder,
One Creation Under God: Wisdom Teachings on Human-Animal Relationships and Connections in the Sacred Circle of Life by Val Silver is an insightful book for readers who want to believe in the Universal Laws instead of the dogma crafted by religious institutions. The book also throws light on the relationships between humans and animals and will enable readers to have a better understanding of the topic. The book is divided into three parts: the first part explains the customs and spiritual teachings of ancient people around the world and their interaction with animals and the natural world; the second part addresses the common beliefs, myths, and false teachings, and the relationship with animals and the natural world; and the third part lists the resources that help to understand Part I and Part II easily.
The author handles the subject of ancient traditions, belief systems, divinity, and the roles in Creation extensively and expansively, giving readers the liberty of looking at the spiritual teachings, rituals, ancient practices, etc. with a new perspective. The truths about the Circle of Life emphasized by the Native Americans (everything on earth is alive; everything on earth has a purpose; everything on earth is connected; everything on earth is to be embraced) sets the tone for decent living and will make readers think globally. The book gives a lot of information on spiritual traditions, how humans are connected to each other, the Earth, and the complex nature of humans. The book is interactive and is useful to all those readers who are curious to learn more about spirituality, ancient beliefs and traditions, and the Creator and his divine power. –Mamta Madhavan for Readers’ Favorite (5 Stars)
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