If all I ever got out of EFT was dumping years of emotional garbage, it would have been well worth it. For me, that was HUGE!Releasing all that anger, resentment and unforgiveness revealed the calmer, kinder person hiding beneath that hard outer shell. I didn’t even know she was there!

But this type of work with EFT is just the tip of the iceberg. In the last few years, EFT has evolved. Even though basic EFT works just fine, experts have developed new ways to work with it for broader and deeper results for just about everything. Tapping has successfully been used for pain related to emotional issues, sports performance, manifesting, public speaking and more.

Why? Because when you reduce the stress around an issue, shift your thoughts and beliefs, and reprogram yourself with thoughts
and beliefs that serve you better, new possibilities open up to you.

It really doesn’t matter what the subject is. That’s why yes, really, try it on everything. The worse thing that can happen is nothing changes. But chances are, there will be progress if you persist and get help if you need it.

In my own experience, I have seen pain disappear and healing accelerate. When you no longer hold excess tension in your muscles and tissues, your body is free to restore balance. Relationships improve because old patterns, resentments and hurts are released. Dreams appear believable and attainable. Limiting beliefs and unfounded fears no longer keep you paralyzed so it’s so much easier and enjoyable to move forward.

Albert Einstein said, “We can’t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.” Yet that is what we often try to do. EFT is one tool that can help you change your thinking and therefore your life for the better.

Want to put the power of tapping to work for you? Check out the free 2012 Tapping World Summit.

The summit begins with three introductory videos and continues with ten days of tapping presentations for a variety of topics for everything from stress and pain relief to relationship help to weight loss and procrastination. It’s geared for beginners to advanced tappers. If you are a beginner, be sure to watch the instructional videos (included free) before the presentations.

I’m registered and I hope you attend too!

2012 TWS Kris Carr

Try It On Everything
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