TapInfinity has just moved servers and is under construction. Please visit our sister site at:
where you’ll find all the great information that was in the original TapInfinity learning center and much, much more. Oh- and no need to sign in! Links to some of the site pages are included in the featured stories below. You do need to click on the arrows to “read more” in order to activate the links. Please leave comments and let me know what you think.
The new and improved monthly Holistic Happenings Ezine is also in circulation again. Subscribers receive many extra benefits. They can access the free download area and get updates to both sites plus lots of other helpful information regarding holistic health and personal development.
Thank you for visiting and hope to “see” you back again. If you like what you see on these sites please pass the word to your friends and feel free to link in to any pages that you wish.