How the mind activates healing, or how it makes you ill, is a hot topic right now.  And for good reason. Although mind healing is certainly nothing new, it’s recently caught the Western world by storm. The question is no longer whether or not mind healing is for real.  Now the questions are about just how much healing does the mind do, what triggers it, and how can we control it.

Maybe all this interest is because of the movie,  The Secret.
Maybe it’s because science has better tools for scanning the brain and seeing how it works. And then there’s all the pharmaceutical companies doing drug studies hoping to prove a drug works.

They have a very hard time beating out  the pesky placebo effect. They tell you in most of the commercials how many people heal themselves.  I was really shocked to learn that 50% of the people in the incontinence study improved with a placebo!

For drug companies, mind healing is an undesired nuisance  because it messes with the bottom line.  But in many cultures elaborate healing rituals with rattles, dancing and chants are carried out in order to amp up a patient’s emotions and beliefs so the subconscious mind responds and  healing occurs.

We too have belief systems about why and how we heal, and what we need to be healthy.  We also have beliefs about why we are ill and why we are going to stay that way.  Just has people spontaneously heal in studies thanks to the placebo effect, they also develop side effects to chemo drugs and other medications they believe to be real, but aren’t.

How many of these beliefs are shaped by the truth?  How much of what we think we need is required only because we think we have to have it? Just how much of our ability to heal or develop illness a result of our subconscious mind and its programs?

I’m not going to pretend to have the answers, but it is something to think about. There are too many stories of spontaneous healing, gurus living without food, and other out of the box occurrences that we have to wonder.  Some of these events take place under a watchful eye and are indisputable. Others- who knows?

I do know from my own experiences, some of which I’ll share in future issues, that healing happens in ways and at speeds that defy conventional beliefs.   I’d love to hear your stories too.

There is much to learn still about mind body healing. What experts seem sure about right now is that the subconscious mind initiates healing.  When you cut yourself,  instructions are sent to clean and close the wound. You recover from a cold or flu.  As long as everything is in working order this happens naturally.

For other health concerns, you can consciously want healing and nothing happens. You  hope, pray and affirm it. But that will all fall on “deaf ears” if your unconscious mind isn’t on board. This is why so many of our health and life goals fall flat.

The conscious mind gets side tracked and your established subconscious programs takes over. It runs the show about 90% of the time and is much more powerful.  But when the subconscious is aligned with your consciousness, you move from hoping and wishing to knowing and
doing.  That’s when miracles happen.

*Do you have a story of spontaneous healing in your life?   We’d love to hear about it. Share in the comments space below.

This is the first in the Beliefs and Healing Ezine Series. If you don’t want to miss any of the ten limiting beliefs and how to shift them, subscribe here.

Your Beliefs and Your Health

3 thoughts on “Your Beliefs and Your Health

  • July 6, 2010 at 7:13 pm

    Great article, so…how do we align the subconscious mind!!!?? You Stopped when it was just getting to the nitty gritty…I need an alignment!!! Thank you.

    • July 9, 2010 at 3:16 pm

      Thanks Rob, Stick around for the series- we’ll be talking about that in future posts. Val


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